Themes & Main outcomes

Themes & Main outcomes

  • Organization of 3 pan-European Conferences in civil engineering education:
    - Barcelona, February 1999
    - Odense, May 2000
    - Sinaia, July 2001 (in cooperation with the European Council of Civil Engineers)
  • Publication of 2 volumes in the series “Inquiries into European higher education in civil engineering”, comprising the reports for the 6 themes tackled in the project 
  • Publication of the volume: “Challenges to the civil engineering profession in Europe at the beginning of the third millennium”, Proceedings of the EUCEET – ECCE International Conference, Sinaia, Romania, 13 – 17 July 2001.
  • Publication of a special volume: “Civil Engineering education in Europe – 2004”, with 26 national reports and an overview of the civil engineering education in Europe in the context of the Bologna process


Six Themes were tackled by the EUCEET I project:

Theme A
Curricula in Civil Engineering Education at Undergraduate Level

Theme B
Accreditation and Quality Assessment in Civil Engineering Education

Theme C
Synergies between Universities, Research, Industry and Public Authorities in the Construction Sector of Europe

Theme D
Postgraduate Programmes and Continuing Professional Development in Civil Engineering Education

Theme E
Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Civil Engineering

Theme F
Demands of the Economic and Professional Environments in Europe with Respect to Civil Engineering Education

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